Downloads: Afropunk: The ‘Rock n Roll Nigger’ Experience, Documentary

Fuckken cool download yo!

Check this out. This is what punk it’s all about (wo)man, it’s not necessarily being white, bored suburbia kids, it’s ALL about.. What these people have to say:

I embed it here.

The full length could also be downloaded here.  Click on the “Download video” link on the right navigation bar.  It is directed by James Spooner (thank you!), duration: 1 hr 6 mins and was released in 2003.  Highly recommended brothas and sistas!

Get inspired! D.I.Y! Let’s do something for ourselves!

Afropunk IMDb

(Maybe I will screen it soon. Let me give you some from the grapevines- I should shut up till I get it all organised, but I couldn’t help myself, too eager enthusiastic here- I am planning to organise a screening somewhere at Kota Samarahan Punk House, it’s free for all, bring you own, potluck kinda party- you bring food whether for yourself or maybe some extra to share with friends.  It’s all in the pipeline now, will held it after my trip to Sabah- There might be a slot for workshop too.  Watch this space people)